Publish Message
To publish message to the broker, you need can pass your object instance, it will try to loop all message adapters to encode the instance into Uint8List, the first one that is able to encode, will be used. You can also pass an optional, encoder function that will pass your instance as dynamic
which you can use to call your own method to encode to Uint8List
You need to initalize CourierMessage
instance passing the payload
, topic
string, and qos
like so. Finally, you need to invoke publishCourierMessage
on CourierClient
passing the message.
Optionally you can pass MessageAdapter
If this is passed, it will use it encode the data to Uint8List, otherwise it will use the messageAdapters list passed when initializing CourierClient.
/// This used JSONMessageAdapter which use dart jsonEncode to invoke toJson on object implicitly
payload: Person(name: textMessage),
topic: "person/6b57d4e5-0fce-4917-b343-c8a1c77405e5/update",
/// For this TestData without toJson method, you can provide your own encode to convert to Uint8List/bytes
payload: testData,
topic: "orders/6b57d4e5-0fce-4917-b343-c8a1c77405e5/update",
encoder: (testData) => testData.toBytes());