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Configuring Client

Configure and Create MQTT CourierClient Instance with CourierClientFactory

Next, we need to create instance of CourierClient that uses MQTT as its implementation. Initialize CourierClientFactory instance and invoke CourierClientFactory/makeMQTTClient(config:). We need to pass instance MQTTClientConfig with several parameters that we can customize.

let clientFactory = CourierClientFactory()
let courierClient = clientFactory.makeMQTTClient(
config: MQTTClientConfig(
authService: HiveMQAuthService(),
messageAdapters: [
autoReconnectInterval: 1,
maxAutoReconnectInterval: 30
  • MQTTClientConfig/messageAdapters: we need to pass array of MessageAdapter. This will be used for serialization when receiving from broker and sending message to the broker. CourierMQTT provides built in message adapters for JSON (JSONMessageAdapter) and Plist (PlistMessageAdapter) format that conforms to Codable protocol. You can only use one of them because both implements to Codable to avoid any conflict. To use protobuf, please import CourierProtobuf and pass ProtobufMessageAdapter. You can read more about this in Message Adapter doc.
  • MQTTClientConfig/authService: we need to pass our implementation of IConnectionServiceProvider protocol for providing the ConnectOptions to the client.
  • MQTTClientConfig/autoReconnectInterval The interval used to make reconnection to broker in case of connection lost. This will be multiplied by 2 for each time until it successfully make the connection. The upper limit is based on MQTTClientConfig/maxAutoReconnectInterval.