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iOS Setup

iOS sample application for this end-to-end example can be found here

image demo

There are 2 flows that you can choose:

  1. E2E, provide username and room code to connect. Subscription will be made to chat/{room_code}/receive topic and published message will be send to chat/{username}/send\ topic.
  2. Normal: Standard MQTT Flow, you can add subscriptions and publish to any topic(s).


  • Clone this github project, if not already done.
  • Navigate to example-ios folder and run pod install.
  • Open CourierE2EApp.xcworkspace.
  • Build and Run using simulator or device.

E2E Flow Interface

  • Enter broker IP, broker port, client id, username, and room code to make the connection.
  • On clicking the CONNECT button, courier library will make the MQTT connection using the provided connect options and a new screen will appear where all sent/received messages can be seen.

Normal Flow Interface

  • Configure connection (ip, port, clientid, username, password, ping, clean session).
  • Subscribe/Unsubscribe topic(s) to broker and visualize current subscriptions.
  • Publish message(s) to any topic to broker.
  • Display received messages history.


  • Xcode 13.